Saturday, December 16, 2017

Be Patient. Great Good News Coming!

Last week witnessed one of the most important and encouraging events in American history. A door slammed on three ugly aspects of our past, and other doors swung open on a better future.

Actually ten major aspects of American political life were ended, changed or newly-born in this event.

That's a lot of stuff to think about and write about. For a historian this is the gift of a lifetime. For one who helped make it happen, it is a fruition so joyous as to make me literally cry.

Yeah, I know. "There's no crying in baseball." But I'm near the end of my life, and last week's event was a wonderful going-away gift.

So be patient while I let the dust settle a bit and can go from staring in wonder at this great event to being able to describe to you what I see. I so want you too to have the joy of seeing "The Great Event" in all its golden glow.

Meantime be happy. There is much to celebrate, as this season of joy reminds us in the midst of winter's dark and cold.

Keep watching for the coming posts, my Christmas gifts to you. They may not shine in style but they will tell a heartening story. And don't fret about the attacks on Mueller or about Trump's mutterings about a pardon for Michael Flynn. All of that stuff is hog-wash.  Be of good heart and have peace of mind. Good things have arrived and more are coming.

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