Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Alabama: the Greatest Victory Changes Our Future!

Last night the stunning result in the Alabama senate election did two things. First, it marked big changes in the social landscape of our country. One example: it showed that the historic curse of separatism between blacks and whites can be overcome.

At least five other major changes also occurred, including:

.... the end of Trumpism's rule by fear,

.....the advance of the women's movement,

.....the blacks' discovery of how to harness their political power,

.....the freeing of campaigns from the grip of big money,

..... the restoration of grass-roots campaigning after 40 years of neglect.

The second major thing the Alabama victory produced was a stunning "how-to" on the nuts and bolts of running a winning campaign. Indeed, this is a playbook for the ages!

I will be writing these analyses as soon as I can, given I'm still recovering from the hip surgery.  So watch for them!

And — yes! — the recovery from surgery is going great! Nothing like a dose of Trump eating crow to bring rapid recovery to the old mama, right?

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