Monday, July 16, 2018

Donald Trump Has Committed Treason

Some readers have asked me for my assessment now of the Donald Trump situation. Because of my broken arm I haven't been able to write this blog for quite a while. This pause has, however, given me the opportunty to take a longer look at Trump and his conduct.

This is my resulting conclusion at this point:

While virtually every commentator (*see footnote)  is fussed by Donald Trump's bratty behavior, ignorance and bullying, Trump's most important misconduct is being overlooked. Virtually no one dares say it but this fake president has committed treason and continues to do so. He will likely commit further treason this week in his private meeting with Russia's president Putin.

Two things this past week make this treason obvious. One is the detailed account by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller in his indictment of twelve Russian agents who attacked our election process in 2016. By supplying precise dates and other evidence Mueller has made it possible to link Trump himself, as well as his staff and associates, to the Russian attack.  We now have a clear picture of Trump "aiding and abetting" a criminal act, which is itself a crime. In this case because he was, and still is, aiding and abetting an attack upon the United States, his crime is also treason as defined in Article III of the Constitution.

The second thing that happened this past week is that Trump did not cancel his "summit meeting" with Putin nor make any demands or invoke any punishments regarding the Russian attack so convincingly described in the Mueller indictments. He refused to take the details of the attack seriously. Either he is in collusion with Russia in the matter or is so criminally and stubbornly ignorant as to be in effect liable for deliberate and willful volation of his oath of office. Quite arguably such deliberate and willful violation of the oath by a president can constitute treason. He is, after all, ignoring an attack by an obvious enemy, an attack aimed at the very heart of our democracy, i.e. our elections.

My arm will heal soon, and I can then write about this topic in more detail. And get this straight: the topic is treason, which is a capital offense. It isn't enough any longer to talk impeachment, as other commentators are doing. At this time impeachment is too vague and too partisan. Treason is a clear-cut charge and one so serious that possibly the GOP members of Congress will suddenly stop protecting Trump and start thinking about saving their own skins.

Meantime, please work on voter registration and organizing a get-out-the vote drive for November's election. We need a functioning Congress now more than ever. You have the power to get us one.

* No sooner had I finished writing the above observations than I saw this Charles Blow column in the NY Times. Blow is one of my favorite writers so it is especially reassuring that he too sees what I do: Trump is commiting treason. Trump, Treasonous Traitor.  Also, my prediction has come true today that the GOP will back off from this latest treason by Trump. Even GOP Speaker of the House Paul Ryan todays disavows Trump's siding with Putin against our own intelligence service findings.

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